Why Yoga and Exercise Is Advisable in Cervical Spondylosis

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One of the many progressive diseases of old age that mainly attacks the neck bones is the Cervical Spondylosis. Women have the lesser risk of acquiring the condition. During its development, neck pain is observed along with stiffness. Other causes include certain occupations, sleeping positions and even depression. It has been noted that the condition can only be diagnosed by imaging tests as it does not show clinical manifestations at its early stage of development. There are many regimens that your physician can advise when you have this degenerative condition. One of these options is specific exercises and yoga positions.
Why is exercise one of the most effective ways to avoid Cervical Spondylosis? Exercise is one of the best ways to prevent diseases and to keep you healthy. Fact is that you can reduce your risk of developing osteoarthritis, including Cervical Spondylosis, by eighty-three percent (83%) just by including 10-15 minutes of exercise in your daily routine. Exercise also showed great results in combating obesity by helping you control your weight and keeping your body mass index (BMI) in an appropriate ratio with your height. You can even enjoy better sleep when you exercise every day.
Besides these health benefits, exercise is also clinically proven to fight against a wide range of medical illness. Studies have shown that regular physical activity can reduce the risk of heart diseases including high blood pressure and stroke by thirty-five percent (35%); colon cancer and type 2 diabetes by fifty percent (50%); breast cancer by twenty percent (20%) and dementia by thirty percent (30%). In a psychological note, exercise can reduce the risk of depression also by thirty percent (30%).
Specific neck exercises can be done to relieve neck strains. One of this is by performing isolated neck stretching exercises. The exercise is performed by standing straight and leaning the neck to the right and reaching the left ear with your right hand, and vice versa. Hold each position alternately for thirty (30) seconds.
Half-circle stretching can also relieve neck pain. Do this by dropping your chin forward and rotating to the right and stopping when you reach the center; just like sketching half circles in a piece of paper. Alternately do the same movements to your left.
Certain yoga positions are also advisable with people suffering from Cervical Spondylosis. You can start from two main positions: Lotus Pose (mimicking an Indian sit) and Palm Tree Pose. Do these positions with the right breathing pattern. Other yoga positions to relieve pain include:

* Bridge Pose (Setubandhasana)                                      * Wind Relieving Pose (Pavana Mukhtasana)

 * Boat Pose (Naukasana)                                                     * Half Plough Pose   (Ardha Halasana)                                              

* Hare Pose (Shashankasana)                                                                 * Mountain Pose (Parvatasana)


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