Physical Fitness Harbor

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If you are like many people who are going to travel, a primary concern of yours might be maintain your level of physical fitness. Many of us when we go on vacation expect to put on some pounds and then work it off when we get back. While this is a good plan if you are only going away for a week or two it doesn't really work for extended periods of time. If you are traveling for a few months it won't be easy to just get back your level of physical fitness when you return. However, if you do go on a prolonged trip there are some easy and effective ways to stay in shape. Follow these tips and you should have no problem maintaining.
Tip One: Everything in Moderation: When you are travelling especially somewhere new you want to experience as much as you can about the culture that you are immersed in and this includes food. Unfortunately, more countries are known for their fried and sweet foods than their whole grains and fruits. While you can and should experience the cuisine of wherever you are you can do so in moderation. A good example of this is Belgium which is known for chocolate, French fries, and of course waffles. While these are all delicious foods they are also pretty bad for you. But in small doses it won't affect your waistline. So go ahead and try everything but there's no need to supersize it.
Tip Two: Get Some Exercise. While you are traveling, odds are that you won't have access to a weight room or fitness center. On the off chance that you do, that's great, try to spend about an hour a day in there just being active and you should be alright. If you aren't so lucky to have one of these facilities at your disposal when you are traveling, your exercise options decrease. One great exercise, that benefits backpackers specifically, is simply walking. If you are in a new city, go exploring on foot. Not only will this help you stay in shape but it will also let you get a great firsthand experience of what life is like wherever it is that you are traveling. If walking is not for you there is always the early morning jog. Just a few miles will suffice to keep you in shape. If you still don't find any of this appealing you can always do pushups and sit-ups in your room.
Tip Three: Drink Plenty of Water. It sounds strange to stay in shape but drinking water really does help. You're body is made up of mostly water and it is the one thing above all others that our bodies need to survive. When we don't get enough water our body essentially goes into panic mode and you don't want that. Try drinking about seventy five to one hundred ounces of water a day when traveling. This will give you more energy throughout the day and fill you up so you don't overeat at meals. Water is also a good alternative for more high calorie drinks such as soda or juice.
Tip Four: Eat Breakfast. You've heard it before "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" and it's true. Breakfast kick starts your metabolism and similar to water will give you energy throughout the day. You're breakfast does not need to be huge but should be enough so you're not hungry afterwards. A good breakfast that you can find almost anywhere in the world is, some bread (whole grain if possible), some fruit and a cup of juice. This simple breakfast is fast, easy and nutritious which is perfect for when you are traveling.
Tip Five: Stay Balanced: As mentioned before it's easy to over indulge on unhealthy food while you are traveling. That is why it is important to try and maintain some balance in your diet. Try to eat some whole grains, proteins, carbohydrates, dairy, fruit, vegetables, and fat each day. Keeping a balanced diet is a good way to keep your weight under control when traveling because it makes sure your diet isn't solely dependent on just one or two food groups.
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Tip Six: Get Sleep. Sleep is essential to a healthy life and that does not stop when you go abroad. While on vacation all some people do is sleep while others will stay up all night. While neither is exactly ideal for your body, getting extra sleep is definitely the better of the two. Your body needs sleep to function properly and this includes your metabolism. If you are not getting sleep your body does not have a chance to reset itself and you will most likely start to fluctuate weight more rapidly. Also if you are up all night it is likely that you will indulge in some late night foods which are almost never healthy snacks. If you can manage to get 7.5 to 8 hours a sleep a night you should be in good shape (literally).
Tip Seven: Get A Plan Beforehand. Be accustomed to what life will be like on your vacation before you go. So, if you plan on working out every day while you are there get used to it before you leave. The last thing you want is to be sore on vacation and by getting your body in shape before you go you should be able to avoid this problem. Just remember it's a lot easier to stay in shape than to get in shape. The earlier you can start you're exercise and diet regiment the better.
If you follow these seven easy tips while travelling you shouldn't have any problems maintaining a level of physical fitness that you want. It's easy to lose self control on a vacation but it's also easier than most people think to stay in shape and stay healthy. Along with the six steps listed above just use your common sense. Not everything will have a food label on it to tell you what you are eating but you know that French fries with mayo (another popular Belgian treat) will not be good for you.


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