Why Type 2 Diabetics Patient Should Buy Organic Foods

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Organic foods might be slightly higher in price over standard grocery store food varieties, but there are plenty of good reasons why organically grown foods are available. Here is part 2 of the series on why Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics, and non-diabetics, should buy organic foods.
It's all about nutrition. One very good reason why consumers should choose organic foods is not visible to the naked eye. That's because it has to do with nutrition. Research shows all foods that are grown organically contain a higher nutritional value than standard grown foods. Scientists believe this is due to what pesticides do to the soil food is growing in. Pesticides strip some of the organic compounds out of the soil, leaving it with less of an ability to properly sustain and nurture plant growth.
With more individuals taking the source of their food more seriously, it has caused the popularity, and the need for organic foods to increase dramatically. What has this done to production? It has meant that just within the last few years, the demand for organically grown foods has risen so fast, there are now certified organic farms located in every state in the nation.
But what does it mean to be considered a "certified organic" product? Only foods that are made up of at least 95 percent organic material can carry this seal. Just being called organic is not always enough. A product that is simply labeled "organic", while still being better than standard grown foods, is still not quite as safe as being "certified organic".
An organic food is one that is grown without the use of prohibited substances. What are prohibited substances?" These are things such as radiation, sewage sludge, genetic engineering or what is commonly referred to as being genetically modified foods. Besides abandoning these common practices, organic farmers also use their own techniques for raising crops, including crop rotation and natural composting which keeps plants healthier and allows them to thrive more.
So who buys organic? You might be surprised. According to statistics:

Asian Americans,
Hispanics, and

All buy more organic food than Caucasians.
And buying organic is not reserved for the wealthy. Studies show half of all consumers who regularly purchase organic foods have a household income of less than fifty-thousand dollars per year. Surprisingly enough, the individuals who spend the most on organic food are not the wealthy as most people think: the most common organic shoppers make less than twenty-five thousand a year per household!


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