An eczema condition can either be chronic (with just some minor itchy rashes) or acute (with open and oozing sores that need to be bandaged). Whether it is chronic or acute, you will definitely want to be relieved from the pain and inconveniences brought about by this skin irritation. Below are some home remedies and modes of treatment you can use to relieve your eczema troubles.
Virgin Coconut Oil
Instead of using expensive creams that the doctor recommended, simply apply some cold pressed organic virgin coconut oil on the affected skin area. You can experience the same relief without spending a lot of money.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E supplements come in soft gel capsules that you can conveniently buy from the store. Simply break open one capsule to extract the oil. Make sure that you will buy organic and natural vitamin E (D-alpha tocopherol) and not the synthetic variety (vitamin E acetate)Read labels carefully or ask from the sales person or pharmacist.
Aloe Vera Gel
Extract fresh gel from an aloe vera leaf and mix it with your vitamin E oil.
Chamomile Tea
Make your own homemade tea by steeping dried, fresh herbs in water for at least 15 minutes. Apply this strong brew to the affected area using gauze for about 20 minutes. Do this once a day to relieve acute eczema symptoms.
Fresh Cucumber
Slice thinly a piece of fresh and organic cucumber. Soak the slices in water for a minimum of two hours. Afterward, filter the water and then apply on the skin using gauze or clean cloth.
Organic Carrots
Carrots grown organically must be peeled and boiled in water until soft. Mash the carrots to create smooth paste-like substance. Apply on the eczema-affected skin for 15 minutes. After that, rinse the area using cool water.
Change In Diet
Your usual diet may be contributing to the irritation on your skin. Switch to fresh and organic foods, particularly vegetables, fruits and nuts. You also need to eat salmon and other fatty types of fish as they contain Omega fatty acids that can help improve your skin's condition.
You have to know what can possibly aggravate or worsen your eczema. Once you know what these factors are, you can make specific plans on how to avoid exposure to them. Examples of things that can intensify the skin irritation are fabrics, detergents and changes in weather or climate. Avoid wearing or using itchy fabrics like wool and synthetic cloths. Do not use lotions that contain alcohol or perfume as these can only just dry your skin more.
To know which elements you are allergic to, you can perform allergy test, no matter how burdensome it can be. This way, you will know whether the carpet, pets or foods are causing the flare-ups. If you cannot afford a professional test, simply log the things you do, foods you eat or fabrics you wear every day. Write down also how you felt right after using these items so you can discover certain patterns your body generates as reaction to those factors.